What's In My Bag: Back to School Edition

5:54 PM

Okay, so raise your hand if you are one of the unlucky ones that already started school. Right now, I am actually raising mine, thanks to college and whatnot. I know different areas start school at different times, but I bet every single one of you are (possibly begrudgingly) starting pretty soon. That means going to Target's school supplies section and smelling those new pencils and erasers and notebooks sprawled out for your choosing. It also means that new backpacks will be broken into... unless you're like me who's taking the easy way out and reusing that perfect condition bag from last year. I decided to show you guys what I decided to fill my backpack up with this year, and I hope you guys get some inspiration from this! (Is that even possible? If so, well enjoy!)

First up are those lovely little life savers I like to call planners! I know you all are wondering why I have two in my bag. The polka dotted one is actually from last year, and I'm keeping it to write down ideas I have for the blog! Besides it being a plain old planner, it has a section where there's a mini folder and a huge notes section, which I am fully intending to use. The one on the right is my new one that I bought from Target! I absolutely adore the whole black-and-white-with-gold-accents thing going on, so I had to get it! And I also really enjoyed the big planning space it comes with! I highly recommend this planner!

Next up is my 5-subject notebook! I was planning on getting five binders, but I read somewhere that having just one 5-subject makes it easier for organization (and laziness) purposes, and it really does. I don't have to worry about lugging around three heavy binders and have two more sprawled in the back seat of my car. I also DIY'd this notebook, thanks to Hayley Williams on YouTube! It made my dull notebook uber cute!

I also have a sort of to-do notebook and, of course, a pencil case with all of my pens, pencils, and highlighters. I love this little notebook from Franchesca's because, 1) it's my favorite color, and 2) I got this little guy on sale a while back! I haven't written a to-do list just yet in there, but I will definitely be doing so in the near future! 

Lastly, I have just the basic essentials I feel that every student should have. A lot of the times, teachers want you to staple your papers, and when you do need them stapled, it just so happens the stapler isn't working (am I the only one this happens to??). I started making it my mission to always have one on hand, and I found this one in my brother's old room, which became very handy for me. 
I also have a little tab dispenser for textbooks and my planner. When renting books, it can be really tricky to keep them in the exact same condition you first got them in. Sticky tabs & Post-Its like these can help you so much when doing assigned reading or studying for a test, so you'll know where the information is right away instead of rushing to find it.
And, of course, we cannot forget about lip balm, am I right ladies? Who wants to walk around campus with crusty lips? I know for sure that I don't! This also becomes extremely necessary when it starts getting cold out. I recommend getting inexpensive ones, so that way if you lose it you won't be obsessing over losing your $6 lip balm.

Well folks, this is what I primarily keep in my backpack for school! Of course, I have more stuff as the semester goes on, but these are more of my essentials. What are some of your essentials for back to school? Let me know!

Yours truly,


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